Longines EEF Series Nations Cup Athens
Win for Italy
in the Longines EEF Series Athens Nations Cup, again after 2 years!

Congratulations to the team riders Roberto Turchetto Heidelberg, Filippo Bassan Ceruti de Kreisker, Antonio Maria Garofalo Abell degli Assi and Bruno Chimirri Samara with only 4 faults in the 2 rounds.

Prizes awarded by Mrs. Dimitra Morisaiou, Brand Manager Longines Greece, Mr. George Mavrotas, Secretary General of Sports, Mrs. Vasiliki Kavalari, Vice Governon Eastern Attica, Mr. Alan Andabaka, EEF Board member, Mr. Kostas Karakasilis President HEF & Mr. George Dimaras, Secretary General HEF, 1st vice president EEF and Event Director.